Quranic Duas: The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is Noor-ul-Bashar (both Noor and Human)

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is Noor-ul-Bashar (both Noor and Human)

The Ahlus Sunnah wa'l Jamaah believe that it is indeed permissible to call the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as 'Nur of Allah'. The Qur'an has itself applied this description to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and so have overwhelming ahadith.

However, it is often at this point that those who oppose this view believe from some erroneous conviction that we deem the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as a non-human. This is indeed a strange and gross accusation. For those who claim that he was not a human, have clearly ventured out of the bounds of Islam, and have entered into kufr.

The belief of Ahlus Sunnah wa'l Jamaah is that our Noble Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is Noor (light) and Bashar (Human).

Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is Noor and no noor was created like his noor (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) 

Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is Bashar (Human) and no basher (human) was created like him (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)

Every creation from Arsh to land, the angels, the Jinns are created from the Haqiqat al Muhammadiyah and Prophet has himself said: The first thing which Allah created was my Nur, that light remained (lit. "turned") in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and there was not, at that time, a Tablet or a Pen or a Paradise or a Fire or an angel or a heaven or an earth. And when Allah wished to create creation, he divided that Light into four parts and from the first made the Pen, from the second the Tablet, from the third the Throne, [and from the fourth everything else]......."

In Light of Quran

1. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the Light of Allah, something a believer can say because the Qur’an affirms it in the verse.
يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَاءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيرًا مِّمَّا كُنْتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَاءَكُم مِّنَ اللّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ

"O people of the Book! There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary). There hath come to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous Book (Qur’an 5:15).

The great Mufasir of Quran Allama Alusi (rah) writes under this ayah: 
عظيم وهو نور الأنوار والنبـي المختار صلى الله عليه وسلم
Translation: He is the great Light upon Lights (Nur al Anwaar) and Nabi al-Mukhtar (i.e. given power by Allah to make Laws) [Al-Alusi in Ruh al Ma’ni under 5:15]

There is a notable explanation among Ahl al-Sunna which ascribes the meaning of the Prophet to both the Light and the Book. al-Sayyid al-Alusi said in Ruh al-ma`ani: "I do not consider it far-fetched that what is meant by both the Light and the Manifest Book is the Prophet, the conjunction being in the same way as what was said by al-Jubba'i [in that that both the Light and the Book were the Qur'an]. There is no doubt that all can be said to refer to the Prophet. Perhaps you will be reluctant to accept this from the viewpoint of expression (`ibara); then let it be from the viewpoint of subtle allusion (ishara)." [Tafsir Ruh al-Ma`ani, Volume 006, Page No. 97-8]

Allama Alusi (rah) also said:وكونه صلى الله عليه وسلم رحمة للجميع باعتبار أنه عليه الصلاة والسلام واسطة الفيض الإلهي على الممكنات على حسب القوابل، ولذا كان نوره صلى الله عليه وسلم أول المخلوقات، ففي الخبر " أول ما خلق الله تعالى نور نبيك يا جابر " وجاء " الله تعالى المعطي وأنا القاسم " وللصوفية قدست أسرارهم في هذا الفصل كلام فوق ذلك،
Translation:  "The Prophet being a mercy to all is linked to the fact that he is the intermediary of the divine outpouring over all contingencies [i.e. all created things without exception], from the very beginnings (wasitat al-fayd al-ilahi `ala al-mumkinat `ala hasab al-qawabil), and that is why his light was the first of all things created, as stated in the report that "The first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet, O Jabir," and also cited is: "Allah is the Giver and I am the Distributor." The Sufis -- may Allah sanctify their secrets -- have more to say on that chapter." [Tafsir Ruh al-Ma`ani, Volume 017, Page No. 105]

قَدْ جاءَكُمْ مِنَ الله نُورٌ وكِتابٌ مُبِـينٌ

 In which the word Light has been explained by a number of other classic Scholars  as follows:
Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti on This Verse: 
هو النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Translation: It is the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)" (Tafsir al-Jalalayn, 139).

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi on this Verse: 
يعني بالنور: النبي محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم
Translation: The meaning of Nur is: The Prophet Muhammad (Peace upon him)  [Z'ad al Maseer fil Ilm at-Tafseer Under the verse 5:15]

(Imam Qurtubi) and Mawardi (al-Nukat wa al-‘uyun, 2.22) mention that interpreting Nur as "Muhammad" (Allah bless him and give him peace) was also the position by [the Imam of Arabic grammar Ibrahim ibn Muhammad] al-Zajjaj (d. 311/923). [Ahkam al-Qur’an , 6.118]

(Fakhr al-Razi:) "There are various positions about it, the first being that the Light is Muhammad, and the Book is the Qur’an " (al-Tafsir al-kabir, 11:194).

Among the scholars who said : "What is meant by a Light is: Muhammad, Blessings and peace upon him." are
►Suyuti in Tafsir al-Jalalayn,►Fayruzabadi in the Tafsir Ibn `Abbas entitled Tanwir al-miqbas (p. 72)►Shaykh al-Islam, Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, the Mujaddid of the sixth century, in his Tafsir al-kabir (11:189)►Imam al-Shirbini in his Tafsir entitled al-Siraj al-munir (p. 360), the author of Tafsir Abi Sa`ud (4:36)►Thana'ullah Pani Patti in his Tafsir al-mazhari, (3:67)

2. The Parable of Allah’s Nur is Nur of Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)
Quran states:
اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ الزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيٌّ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِيءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ نُّورٌ عَلَى نُورٍ يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ وَيَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْأَمْثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The "Parable" of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things. (Quran 24:35)

Qadhi Iyad (Rahimuhullah) explains "Parable" of Allah's Nur in detail in his maginificent work of Seerah called Ash-Shifa 
و قال الله تعالى : الله نور السماوات والأرض مثل نوره كمشكاة فيها مصباح المصباح في زجاجة الزجاجة كأنها كوكب دري يوقد من شجرة مباركة زيتونة لا شرقية ولا غربية يكاد زيتها يضيء ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور يهدي الله لنوره من يشاءويضرب الله الأمثال للناس والله بكل شيء عليم [ سورة النور / 24 : الأية 35 ] .قال كعب ، و ابن جبير : المراد بالنور الثاني هنا محمد عليه السلام و قوله تعالى مثل نوره أي نور محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم .و قال سهل بن عبد الله : المعنى : الله هادي أهل السموات و الأرض ، ثم قال : مثل نور محمد إذ كان مستودعاً في الأصلاب كمشكاة صفتها كذا ، و أراد بالمصباح قلبه ، و بالزجاجة صدره ، أي كأنه كوكب دري لما فيه من الإيمان و الحكمة يوقد من شجرة مباركة أي من نور إبراهيم . و ضرب المثل بالشجرة المباركة و قوله : يكاد زيتها يضيء أي تكاد نبوة محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم تبين للناس قبل كلامه كهذا الزيتو قيل في هذه الآية غير هذا . و الله أعلم  و قد سماه الله تعالى في القرآن في غير هذا الموضع نوراً و سراجاً منيراً ، فقال تعالى : قد جاءكم من الله نور وكتاب مبين [ سورة المائدة / 5 : الآية 15]  و قال تعالى : إنا أرسلناك شاهدا ومبشرا ونذيرا * وداعيا إلىالله بإذنه وسراجا منيرا [ سورة الأحزاب / 33 : الأية 45 ـ 46 ]Translation: Allah says: Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not-- light upon light-- Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.(Surah Nur, 24. Ayah 35)

Ka’b al-Ahbar (ra) and Ibn Jubayr (ra) said: By the second light He means Muhammad (Peace be upon him).Allah said “The Likness of his light” this refers to the Nur of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)

Sahl bin Abdullah (ra) said that it means that Allah is the “guide” of creation in heavens and the earth, he then said:Like the Light of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) when it is lodged in the loins (of his forefathers) like a niche. By the Lamp he means his heart. The glass is his breast. It is as if it were a glittering star because of the belief and wisdom it contains, kindled from a blessed tree, i.e. from the light of Ibrahim (a.s). He makes a comparison with the blessed tree and He says: “Its oil would nearly shine” i.e. Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s prophecy is evident to the people even before he speaks just like the oil.

A lot more is said about this ayat, and Allah knows the best about it, elsewhere in the Quran Allah calls his Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) a Light and a LIGHT GIVING LAMP. He says: “A Light and a clear book have come to you from Allah (5:15), Allah also says: “We sent you as a witness, a barrier or glad tidings and a warner, one who calls to Allah with his permission and a Light-giving Lamp (33:46)

►Ash-Shifa bi Tarif al Haquq al Mustafa, Page No. 6

Imam Ibn Kathir (Rahimuhullah) says under this ayah
وقال شمر بن عطية: جاء ابن عباس إلى كعب الأحبار فقال: حدثني عن قول الله تعالى: { يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِىۤءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ } قال: يكاد محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يبين للناس، ولو لم يتكلم أنه نبي؛ كما يكاد ذلك الزيت أن يضيء
Translation: Ibn Abbas (ra) went to Ka’b al-Ahbar (ra) and asked him to explain the Allah's saying:  {whose oil is well-nigh luminous}, Ka'b (ra)  said: It is an (example of) Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) i.e. He is evident to people as Prophet even if he had not declared his Nabuwah, just like the olive oil glows even without being lit

►Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Volume No.3, Page No. 490, under 24:35
Imam al-Baghwi (Rahimuhullah) explains: 
فقال بعضهم: وقع هذا التمثل لنور محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال ابن عباس لكعب الأحبار: أخبرني عن قوله تعالى: { مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ } فقال كعب: هذا مثل ضربه الله لنبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم، فالمشكاة صدره، والزجاجة قلبه، والمصباح فيه النبوة، توقد من شجرة مباركة هي شجرة النبوة، يكاد نور محمد وأمره يتبين للناس ولو لم يتكلم أنه نبي كما يكاد ذلك الزيت يضيء ولو لم تمسسه نار. 
Translation: Some (scholars) said: This similitude refers to Nur of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam), Ibn Abbas (ra) asked Kab al-Ahbar (ra) to explain Similitude of Nur, at which he replied: Allah has mentioned his Prophet (Peace be upon him) as a parable in this ayah, Mishkat refers to the chest of Prophet (saw), Glass refers to his heart, and Misbah refers to his Nabuwah and the wording “whose oil is well-nigh luminous” means that even if Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had not declared himself a Prophet still his Nur would have glowed proving to people that he is a Nabi

►Ma’lim at Tanzil by Imam Baghawi, Under 24:35

Imam Ibn Jarir at-Tabri (rah) explains Similitude of Allah’s Nur as:  
جاء ابن عبـاس إلـى كعب الأحبـار، فقال له: حدثنـي عن قول الله: { مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كمِشْكاةٍ } قال: الـمشكاة وهي الكَوّة، ضربها الله مثلاً لـمـحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، الـمِشكاة { فِـيها مِصْبـاحٌ الـمِصْبـاحُ } قلبه { فِـي زُجاجَةٍ الزُّجاجَةُ } صدره الزجاجة { كأنَّها كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيّ } شبه صدر النبـيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم بـالكوكب الدريّ،
 ، { يَكادُ زَيْتُها يُضِىءُ } يكاد مـحمد يبـين للناس وإن لـم يتكلـم أنه نبـيّ، كما يكاد ذلك الزيت يضيء
Translation: Ibn Abbas (ra) presents the explanation of Kab al-Ahbar (ra) as: {The parable of his light is as there were a niche} Niche here refers to a lantern, this example which Allah has given is of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that he is a Lantern which contains light, {And within it a lamp} meaning his heart{and lamp enclosed in a glass} meaning his chest { the glass as it were a brilliant star}The chest of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is explained through parable of glowing star…. { whose oil is well-nigh luminous} means that even if Prophet (saw)had not declared himself a Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) still his (Nur) would have glowed proving to people that he is a Nabi

►Tafsir at-Tabri, under 24:35

Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) explaines the “Parable” of Allah’s Nur as: 
مثل نوره نور محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في أصلاب آبائه على هذا الوصف إلى
Translation: The Parable of Allah’s Nur is Nur of Muhammad (Salallaho alaihi wasalam) which was present in the loins of his forefathers [Reference:Tanwir al Miqbas, Min Tafsir Ibn Abbas, Page No. 376, Published by Maktaba al Asriyyah, Beirut, Lebanon]

Continuing the Tafsir: It is also said that the verse means: the likeness of the light of Muhammad in the loins of his forefathers is like this, up to Allah's saying (… kindled from a blessed tree). He says: the light of Muhammad in Abraham was an upright religion (olive tree), and Abraham was neither Jew nor Christian (neither of the East nor of the West), the works of Abraham would almost glow forth in the loins of his forefathers like this (would almost glow forth (of itself)), up until Allah's saying (kindled from a blessed tree) He says: as                     if it is the light of Muhammad (pbuh) and if Abraham was not a prophet, he would still have this light (though no fire touched it); it is also said that the latter passage means: Had Allah not honored Abraham, he would not have had this light; it is also said: if Allah had not honored His believing servant with this light, he would not have had it.

Please note: Tanwir al Miqbas is only quoted to provide a corroborating reference

Imam Suyuti said in al-Riyad al-aniqa: Ibn Jubayr and Ka`b al-Ahbar said:"What is meant by the second light is the Prophet because he is the Messenger and the Expositor and the Conveyor from Allah of what is enlightening and manifest." Ka`b said: "Its oil well nigh would shine because the Prophet well nigh would be known to the people even if he did not say that he was a Prophet, just as that oil would send forth light without a fire."

Among those who said that the meaning of " مَثَلُ نُورِهِ" -- the likeness of His Light -- is the Prophet Muhammad, upon him blessings and peace:
►Ibn Jarir al-Tabari in his Tafsir (18:95),►Suyuti in al-Durr al-manthur (5:49),►Zarqani in Sharh al-mawahib (3:171),►al-Khafaji in Nasim al-riyad (1:110, 2:449),►al-Nisaburi in Ghara'ib al-Qur'an (18:93) said: "The Prophet is a light and a light-giving lamp." 
►al-Qari in Sharh al-shifa' said: "The most apparent meaning is to say that what is meant by the light is Muhammad."

In Light of Hadith

  Hadith #1

Arbaz Bin Sariyah (ra) narrated that the Sahaba asked (about reality of Prophet). The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: I am the prayer of Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him) and Esa (Peace Be Upon Him) gave glad tiding of my arrival to his nation. My mother saw such a Light (Nur) coming out from her body that it lit the castles of Syria

►Bayhaqi, Dala’il un Nubuwwah, Volume 001, Page No. 83     ►Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) narrated it in his Tafsir (4:360).►It is also narrated by al-Hakim in his Mustadrak (2:616-617)►Ahmad in his Musnad (4:184)►Bayhaqi again in Dala'il al-nubuwwa (1:110, 2:8).►Ibn al-Jawzi cites it in al-Wafa' (p. 91, ch. 21 of Bidayat nabiyyina sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam►Haythami cites it in Majma` al-zawa'id (8:221) and said Tabarani and Ahmad narrated it, and Ahmad's chain is fair (hasan). See for Ahmad's complete text Bisharatu `Isa (#454).Hadith #2
Musannaf Abdur Razaq

It is narrated by Imam Abdur Razaq from Mua'mar, from Ibn al-Manqadr, from Jabir ibn `Abd Allah who said to the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) : "O Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him), may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, tell me of the first thing Allah created before all things." He (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "O Jabir, the first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet from His (created) light, and that light remained (lit. "turned") in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and there was not, at that time, a Tablet or a Pen or a Paradise or a Fire or an angel or a heaven or an earth. And when Allah wished to create creation, he divided that Light into four parts and from the first made the Pen, from the second the Tablet, from the third the Throne, [and from the fourth everything else]......."

►Musannaf Abdur Razaq, al-Juz al-Mafqud min al-Juz al-Awwal min al-Musannaf Abdur Razaq, Page No. 99, Hadith Number 18

►Qastalani in Mawahib ul Laduniyah Volume 001, Page No. 71,
►Zurqani in Sharah Mawahib ul Laduniyah Volume 001, Page No. 89-91,
►Ajluni in Kashf al-Khafa (وقال : رواه عبد الرزاق بسنده عن جابر بن عبد اﷲ رضي اﷲ عنهما) Volume 001, Page No. 311, Hadith Number 827,
►Halabi in his Sirah Volume 001, Page No. 50,
►Ashraf Ali Thanvi in Nashar ut-Tib Volume 001, Page No. 13

Imam Ibn Hajr al-Haythami (rah) narrates in his Fatawa al Hadithiyyah: 

 فقد أخرج عبد الرزاق بسنده عن جابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري رضي الله عنهما قال: "قلت: يا رسول الله بأبي أنت وأمي أخبرني عن أوّل شيء خلقه الله قبل الأشياء؟ قال: يا جابر إن الله خلق قبل الأشياء نور نبيك محمد صلى الله عليه وسلّم من نوره فجعل ذلك النور يدور بالقدرة حيث شاء الله، ولم يكن في ذلك الوقت لوح ولا قلم ولا جنة ولا نار ولا ملك ولا سماء ولا أرض ولا شمس ولا قمر ولا إنس ولا جن، فلما أراد الله تعالى أن يخلق الخلق قسم ذلك النور أربعة أجزاء: فخلق من الجزء الأوّل القلم، ومن الثاني اللوح، ومن الثالث العرش، ثم قسم الجزء الرابع أربعة أجزاء: فخلق من الأول حملة العرش، ومن الثاني الكرسي، ومن الثالث باقي                     الملائكة 
Undoubtedly Abdur Razzaq mentioned with his Sanad from Jabir ibn `Abd Allah who asked: "O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, tell me of the first thing Allah created before all things." He said: "O Jabir, the first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet from His light, and that light remained (lit. "turned") in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and there was not, at that time, a Tablet or a Pen or a Paradise or a Fire or an angel or a heaven or an earth.  And when Allah wished to create creation, he divided that Light into four parts and from the first made the Pen, from the second the Tablet, from the third the Throne, [and from the fourth everything else]

►Narrated by Imam Ibn Hajr al Haytami in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah Page No. 289

Note: Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) said: The source of creation, universe and of Adam is Nur of Muhammad(Salallaho alaihi wasalam), hence "IT HAS COME IN SAHIH HADITH THAT THE FIRST THING WHICH ALLAH CREATED WAS MY NUR!" [Madarij al Nabuwah, Volume No.2, Page No. 2]Some people object that in hadith it has also come that first thing which Allah created was Al-Qalam (i.e. pen) and they cite the hadith in Tirimdhi as proof which states: أَوَّلُ مَا خَلَقَ اللهُ الْقَلَمُ (i.e. First thing which Allah created was the pen)
They say that hence Pen is the first creation therefore the hadith of Prophet (Peace be upon him) being first created Nur contradicts it.
This is their misconception because things have been first created according to their relative primacy, here is hadith from Sahih Bukhari which even proves Throne and Water to be created before Pen

كان اللهُ ولم يكُنْ شيءٌ غيرُه. وكان عرشُهُ على الماء

Translation: First of all, there was nothing but Allah, and (then He created His Throne). His throne was over the water [Translation by Muhsin Khan, Sahih Bukhari in English, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 414]

After seeing this the deniers are dumbstruck and their own pseudo logic stands refuted because now there is even conflict between other Sahih ahadith regarding what was the first thing created! But the point is how to bring reconciliation? Imam Badr ud-din Ayni (rah) gave a magnificent answer, he states in his Umdat al Qari, Sharh Sahih al Bukhariروى أحمد والترمذي مصححا من حديث عبادة بن الصامت مرفوعاً أول ما خلق الله القلم ثم قال أكتب فجرى بما هو كائن إلى يوم القيامة واختاره الحسن وعطاء ومجاهد وإليه ذهب إبن جرير وابن الجوزي وحكى ابن جرير عن محمد بن إسحاق أنه قال أول ماخلق الله تعالى النور والظلمة ثم ميز بينهما فجعل الظلمة ليلاً أسود مظلماً وجعل النور نهاراً أبيض مبصراً وقيل أو ما خلق الله تعالى نور محمد قلت التوفيق بين هذه الروايات بأن الأولية نسبي وكل شيء قيل فيه إنه أول فهو بالنسبة إلى ما بعدها
Translation: Imam Ahmed and Imam Tirimdhi have narrated the Marfu hadith with Sahih Isnad from Ibada bin Samit (ra) which proves that Allah first created the Pen and then told it to write and It wrote everything which would happen till day of Judgement. Hassan, Ata and Mujahid have adopted this too, Ibn Jarir and Ibn Jawzi also have this Madhab whereas Ibn Jarir has narrated from Muhammad bin Ishaq that “ALLAH CREATED THE NUR AND DARKNESS PRIOR TO EVERYTHING” and then differentiated between them, There is also a saying that Allah first created “THE NUR OF MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM)” so how could reconciliation be brought in these different narrations? I say that they could be reconciled by saying that everything has its “RELATIVE PRIMACY” and they are first in relevance to things which came after them. [Umdat al Qari, Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume No. 15, Page No. 109] 

Mullah Ali Qari (rah) beautifully said:

الأوّل الحقيقي هو النور المحمدي على ما بينته في المورد للمولد
Translation: The first reality is the “NUR-AL-MUHAMMADI” as I have mentioned in my book Al-Mawrid lil-Mawlid [Mullah Ali Qari in Mirqat, Sharh al Mishqaat (1/289), Published by Dar ul Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon]

 Mullah Ali Qari (rah) also said:

والأوّلية من الأمور الإضافية فيؤوّل أن كل واحد مما ذكر خلق قبل ما هو من جنسه ؛ فالقلم خلق قبل جنس الأقلام ونوره قبل الأنوار وإلا فقد ثبت أن العرش قبل خلق السموات والأرض، فتطلق الأوّلية على كل واحد بشرط التقييد فيقال: أوّل المعاني كذا، وأوّل الأنوار كذا، ومنه قوله: «أوّل ما خلق الله نوري»، وفي رواية: «روحي» ومعناهما واحد، فإن الأرواح نورانية

Translation: Being first is amongst the matters of “Idhafiyah” hence the interpretation will be done that these things (i.e. Qalam, Aql, Nur, Ruh, Arsh etc…) are first according to their own “JINS” hence Pen was created first in relevance to other Pens [Note: Here Mullah Ali Qari is beautifully explaining relative primacy] and the Nur [al-Muhammadi] was created prior to every other Nur. It is also proven that Arsh was created prior to heavens and earth and all this will be attributed towards one meaning as the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “The First thing which Allah created was my Nur” and It has also come in another report thatIt was his “RUH” and both of them “HAVE SAME MEANING BECAUSE SPIRITS ARE CREATED FROM NUR[Mullah Ali Qari in Mirqat, Sharh al-Mishqaat (1/290), Published by Dar ul Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon]

So people who deny Muhammadan reality are first asked to pass a verdict of Kufr/Shirk upon Imam Badr ud-din Ayni (rah), Imam al-Qastallani (rah), Mullah Ali Qari (rah), Ibn Hajr al-Haythami (rah), Allama Alusi (rah) and many others, only then they can have a valid difference of opinion over this issue!   

The hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah (rah) is further authenticated by another hadith which is Sahih and proves that Nur of Prophet (Peace be upon him) was created prior to Adam (a.s).                 

2) Abu Hurraira (ra) narrates from the Messenger of Allah (May Peace be upon him) that he said: When Allah created Adam (Peace be upon him) He informed him of his descendants, at this Adam (Peace be upon him) saw superiority of some over others, then he saw me towards the end in form of an “ILLUMINATING NUR”(i.e. the Last of the Prophets to be sent) he (adam) said: O my Lord who is this? The Lord replied: This is your son Ahmed who is the first and the last and (on the Day of Judgment) he will be first to do intercession.

►Bayhaqi, Dala’il un Nubuwwah: Volume 005, Page No. 483

Hadith #3

Imam Taj ad-Din Subki said: "It has been said that Allah created the spirits before the bodies, and the Prophet's reference to his prophecy in the hadith, "I was a Prophet while Adam was still between the spirit and the body”may be a reference to his blessed spirit and to the Reality of Realities (haqiqat al-haqa'iq). Our minds fall short of knowing such a Reality, but its Creator knows it, and also those to whom He extends a madad of light from Him [man amaddahu bi nurin ilahi]. Allah brings to existence whichever of these realities that He likes in the time that He pleases. As for the reality of the Prophet, it is most likely that it was before the creation of Adam, and Allah gave it its prophetic attribute upon its creation; therefore already at that time, he was the Prophet."

►Imam Qastallani, Mawahib al-laduniyya Volume 001, Page No. 31-32
There is a further confirmation of the relation of the light of the Prophet to that of the rest of creation in the hadiths comparing Prophetic knowledge to the light of the stars in the darkness of night. Anas relates that the Prophet said: "The simile of the scholars of knowledge (al-`ulama') on the earth is the stars in the sky by which one is guided in the darkness of the land and the sea. When the stars are clouded over, the guides are about to be lost." Ahmad narrated it in his Musnad (Volume 003, Page No. 157 Hadith Number12606) with a chain containing Rishdin ibn Sa`d who is weak. However, it is confirmed by the hadith in Muslim and Ahmad narrated by Abu Musa al-Ash`ari whereby the Prophet said: The stars are trust-keepers for the heaven, and when the stars wane, the heaven is brought what was promised (i.e. of the corruption of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment); and I am a trust-keeper for my Companions, so when I go my Companions will be brought what was promised them (i.e. of fitna and division); and my Companions are trustkeepers for my Community, so when they go my Community will be brought what was promised to you (i.e. following hawa and vying for dunya). 

Imam Abu Abdullah Ibn al-Haaj al-Maliki

"The first thing Allah created is the light (Nur) of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and that light came and prostrated before Allah. Allah divided it into four parts and created from the first part the Throne, from the second the Pen, from the third the Tablet, and then similarly He subdivided the fourth part into parts and created the rest of creation. Therefore the light of the Throne is from the light of Muhammad , the light of the Pen is from the light of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), the light of the Tablet is from the light of Muhammad , the light of day, the light of knowledge, the light of the sun and the moon, and the light of vision and sight are all from the light of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). [al-Madkhal, Volume 002, Page No. 32-3]  

Hadith # 4

Ka'aab bin Ahbaar said: That Adam (may peace and blessings be upon Him) said O my son whenever you do Zikr of Allah always remember to do zikr of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) too with out doubt I saw his name written on skies when I was between Soul and Soil I did Tawaf of all the skies and didnt saw a single place in these skies when Muhammad name wasnt written, on the cheeks of Hoors, on the heaven's castle's tree leafs, on the leafs of Tooba tree, on the leaves of tree called Sidrah al-Muntiha, on the eyes of gatekeepers of heaven and between the eyes of angels I saw Muhammad written, so you should do their Zikr with much focus and extreme, without doubt the angels also remember him all the time.

 Ibn Asakir, Tarikh Madina-Damishq Volume 023, Page No. 281: Publish: Dar al Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon

Hadith # 5

Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrated: That I said 'O' Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), my mother and father be sacrificed on you where were you at the time Adam (may peace and blessings be upon Him) was in heaven, He said that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) smiled so that his teeth became clear then he said I was in the loin of Adam (may peace and blessings be upon Him) and then in the loin of my father Noah (may peace and blessings be upon Him) then I was taken on a ship then my Light (Nur) was put into loin of Abraham (may peace and blessings be upon Him) my parents were never given to me expect those who did Nikah I was always transferred to pure people. In Turah and Bible was my name was mentioned every Prophet of Allah mentioned by blessings, With my Light (Nur) the morning was lightened and the people got cloud shadow due to me and Allah granted me one of his names and He is Mehmood of Arsh and I am Muhammad and Allah promised me Hodh al-Kosar and he made me the first Intercessor and I will be the first person who Intercession on will be accepted, and Allah gave me birth in the best time of mankind, the people of my Ummah are those who praise Allah, they ask to do good deeds and stop from sins.

►Ibn Asakir, Tarikh Madina-Damishq Volume 003, Page No. 408: Publish: Dar al Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon

Hadith # 6

Hadrat Sayyida Halima Sa'adiya (radi Allahu anha) who was the one responsible for feeding milk to the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) The one before whom the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) used to eat and drink, even she believed that the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was Noor and this has been explained by Allama Muhadith Ibn Jauzi and Qazi Thanaullah Paani Pati (rahmatuallah aleh) as follows: "When I used to feed milk to the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) then I never felt the need for a light in my house. Thus one day Umme Khula Sa'diya said, "O Halima ! Do you leave the fire burning for the entire night in your house? and I answered by saying, "No! I swear by Almighty Allah that I do not keep the fire burning at all. This Noor and brightness is that of Sayidduna Rasoolullah Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)
►Bayaanul Miladun Nabwi pg 54 - Tafseere Mazhari

Hadith # 7 لَمَّا كَانَ الْيَوْمُ الَّذِي دَخَلَ فِيهِ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الْمَدِينَةَ أَضَاءَ مِنْهَا كُلُّ شَيْءٍ فَلَمَّا كَانَ الْيَوْمُ الَّذِي مَاتَ فِيهِ أَظْلَمَ مِنْهَا كُلُّ شَيْءٍ وَلَمَّا نَفَضْنَا عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الْأَيْدِي وَإِنَّا لَفِي دَفْنِهِ حَتَّى أَنْكَرْنَا قُلُوبَنَا

Sayyidina Anas ibn Maalik (RA) narrated: The day when Allah’s Messenger entered Madinah, everything in it was illuminated. Then, the day when he died everything in it became dark. And we had barely dusted off our hands after burying him when our hearts changed.

►Trimidhi Hadith No: 3638►Musnad Ahmad Hadith No: 13311►Ibne Majah Hadith No: 1613
►Muwahibul ladaniyah pg 68 vol 1►Mustadrik pg 12 vol 3

Hadith # 8

Ibn 'Abbas said: I spent the night in the house of my mother's sister, Maimuna, and observed how the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) prayed (at night). He got up and relieved himself. He then washed his face and hands and then went to sleep. He again got up and went near the water-skin and loosened its straps and then poured some water in a bowl and inclined it with his hands (towards himself). He then performed a good ablution between the two extremes and then stood up to pray. I also came and stood by his left side. He took hold of me and made me stand on his right side. It was in thirteen rak'ahs that the (night) prayer of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was completed. He then slept till he began to snore, and we knew that he had gone to sleep by his snoring. He then went out (for the dawn prayer) and then again slept, and said while praying or prostrating himself:" O Allah! place light in my heart, light in my hearing, light in my sight, light on my right, light on my left, light in front of me, light behind me, light above me, light below me, make light for me," or he said:"Make me light."  

►Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith #1677

Hadith # 9

'Abdullah b. 'Abbas reported: He spent (one night) in the house of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). He (the Holy Prophet) got up, brushed his teeth and performed ablution and said:" In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, there are indeed signs for people of understanding" (al-Qur'an, iii. 190), to the end of the Surah. He then stood up and prayed two rak'ahs, standing, bowing and prostrating himself at length in them. Then he finished, went to sleep and snored. He did that three times, six rak'ahs altogether, each time cleaning his teeth, performing ablution, and reciting these verses. Then he observed three rak'ahs of Witr. The Mu'adhdhin then pronounced the Adhan and he went out for prayer and was saying,:" O Allah I place light in my heart, light in my tongue, place light in my hearing, place light in my eyesight, place light behind me, and light in front of me, and place light above me, and light below me. O Allah! grant me light."  
►Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith #1682

Hadith # 10
مجتمعات فقالت امرأة منهن يا نساء قريش أيتكن تتزوج هذا الفتى فتصطاد النور الذي بين عينيه وإن بين عينيه نوراً قال فتزوجته آمنة بنت وهب بن عبد مناف بن زهرة فجامعها فحملت برسول الله
al-Zuhri narrated: `Abd Allah ibn `Abd al-Muttalib was the most handsome man that had ever been seen among the Quraysh. One day he went out and was seen by a an assembly of the women of Quraysh. One of them said: "O women of the Quraysh, which among you will marry this youth and catch thereby the light that is between his eyes?" For verily there was a light between his eyes. Thereafter Amina bint Wahb ibn `Abd Manaf ibn Zuhra married him, and after he joined her she carried Allah's Messenger.
References►al-Bayhaqi narrated it in Dala'il al-nubuwwa (1:87)
 Tabari in his Tarikh (2:243)►Ibn al-Jawzi in al-Wafa' (p. 82-83, ch. 16 of Abwab bidayati nabiyyina)

Hadith # 11

1) Ibn al Jawzi al-Hanbali, narrates that the light of the Messenger of Allah would overcome the light of both the sun and lamp

Reference: [Al Wafa, Chapter al Wilada, Ibn al Jawzi]

2) Abu ‘Ubayda ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ammar ibn Yasir said: “I said to say to al-Rubayyi’ bint Mu ‘awwadh: ‘Describe for me Allah's Messenger.’ She replied: ‘If you saw him you would say: The sun is rising.’” 
References: Bayhaqi narrates it with his isnad in Dala’il al-Nubuwwa (1:200), and Haythami in Majma’ al-Zawa’id (8:280) says that al-Tabarani narrates it in al-Mu'jam al-kabir and al-Awsat and that its narrators have been declared trustworthy.

3) That when Adam (May Allah bless him and grant Him peace) was being created, the noor of Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] was placed in Adam [May Allah bless  him and grant Him peace]’s forehead and Adam [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] saw Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace], Adam [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] asked “who is he?” Allah Ta’ala replied “He is the last Prophet and will be the chief of your children.”

Reference: Al Wafa chap on Birth of Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] by Ibn Jawzi

Hadith # 12

Imam Qadhi Iyaad (rah) narrates:و عن ابن عباس : إن قريشاً كانت نوراً بين يدي الله تعالى قبل أن يخلق آدم بألفي عام ، يسبح ذلك النور ، و تسبح الملائكة بتسبيحه ، فلما خلق الله آدم ألقى ذلك النور في صلبه ، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم : فأهبطني الله إلى الأرض في صلب آدم ، و جعلني في صلب نوح ، و قذف بي في صلب ابراهيم ، ثم لم يزل الله تعالى ينقلني من الأصلاب الكريمة و الأرحام الطاهرة ، حتى أخرجني من بين أبوي لم يلتقيا على سفاح قط  
Translation: Ibn Abbas (ra) said that the spirit of the Prophet was a light in the hands of Allah two thousand years before he created Adam. That light glorified Him and the angels glorified by his glorification. When Allah created Adam, He casted that light into his loins. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) then said: “Allah brought me down to earth in the loins of Adam (a.s), placed me in the loins of Nuh (a.s) and then cast me into the loins of Ibrahim (a.s). Allah continued to move me from noble loins and pure wombs until he brought me out from my parents. None of them were ever joined together in fornication

►Qadhi Iyaad in Ash-Shifa bi Tarif al Haquq al Mustafa, Page No. 43

Hadith #13

عن العِرْباض بن سارِيَة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إِنّي عِنْدَ الله لَخَاتِمُ النَّبِيِّينَ وإِنَّ آدَمَ لمُنْجَدِلٌ فِي طِيْنَتِه» . 
Translation: Narrated by Arbaas bin Sariyah (ra) who said that the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) said: I was the last Prophet in sight of Allah when Adam was intermingled in mud [Al Wafa bi Ahwal lil Mustafa by Ibn Jawzi, Page No. 25]
Takhreej: Narrated by Hakim in his Mustadrak 2/600 and Tabarani in his Al-Kabir 18/253, and Al Baihaqi in his Dalail an Nabuwwa 1/83, Ibn Asakir in Tarikh ul Dimishq 1/38

Ibn Hibban in his “Sahiha” Hadith No. 2093, Imam Ahmed in his Musnad 4/127, 128
Hakim said in his Mustadrak (2/600): This Hadith has Sahih chain, Haythami narrated it in Majma Az Zawaid (8/223) where he said: It is narrated by Ahmed, Tabarani, Al-Bazzar, the narrators of Ahmed are those of Sahih, except for Sa’id bin Suwaid who is Thiqa as said by Ibn Hibban

Hadith #14
حدثنا الحسن قثنا أحمد بن المقدام العجلي قثنا الفضيل بن عياض قثنا ثور بن يزيد عن خالد بن معدان عن زاذان عن سلمان قال سمعت حبيبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول كنت انا وعلي نورا بين يدي الله عز وجل قبل ان يخلق آدم بأربعة عشر ألف عام فلما خلق الله آدم قسم ذلك النور جزءين فجزء أنا وجزء علي عليه السلام
Salman (ra) narrates that he heard the beloved Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) say: I along with Ali were Nur in hands of Allah, 14000 years before he created Adam

►Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal in Fadhail as Sahaba, Volume No. 2,Page No. 663, Hadith No 1130

Note: It is known to Ahlus sunnah wal Jammah that the above hadith about Prophet (Peace be upon him) and Ali (ra) is not authentic but in relevance to other overwhelming ahadith shown and the Usool that many ahadith on a certain subject streghthen eachother, we are citing it and there is no problem if this specific hadith is rejected by someone. Having said that It should be clarified that those who understand that Arwah were created prior to bodies would know that mention of Ali (ra) over here is just to praise him though the arwah of other sahaba like Abu Bakr (ra) are also created from the Nur of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam), such a high and primitive praise has been given to many other sahaba, for example regarding Umar (ra), The Prophet (saw) said that Had there been a Nabi after me then it would have been Umar (ra)[Tirimdhi], now this does not mean there is even a possibility of someone else being a Nabi, It is just a praise, or regarding Ali (a.s) at another place when Prophet (saw) said: You are to me What Harun was onto Moses (Sahih Muslim), this would not mean that Ali (ra) becomes a Prophet (Naudhobillah).

Hadith #15

وقد كانت أم قتال رقيقة بنت نوفل أخت ورقة بن نوفل توسمت ما كان بين عيني عبدالله قبل ان يجامع آمنة من النور فودت أن يكون ذلك متصلا بها لما كانت تسمع من اخيها من البشارات بوجود محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وأنه قد أزف زمانه فعرضت نفسها عليه قال بعضهم ليتزوجها وهو أظهر والله أعلم فامتنع عليها فلما انتقل ذلك النور الباهر إلى آمنة بمواقعته
 The sister of Waraqa bin Nawfal (RA) i.e. Umm Qatal saw Nur between eyes of Abdullah (RA)before he had gone onto his wife Amina (RA), and she had proposed to him too, her brother (Waraqa bin Nawfal) had told her that a mighty Prophet would be born from Abdullah (RA) therefore it was desire of Um Qatal that the Nabi is born through her., however the Nur (i.e. Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was transferred into Amina (RA)

►Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Volume 2, Page No. 162

Hadith #16وذكر القاضي عياض عن الشفاء أم عبدالرحمن بن عوف أنها كانت قابلته وأنها أخبرت به حين سقط على يديها واستهل سمعت قائلا يقول يرحمك الله وإنه سطع منه نور رؤيت منه قصور الروم
Translation: Qadhi Iyaad (Rahimuhullah) mentioned in Ash-Shifa through the reference of Umm Abdur Rahman bin Awf (RA) that she was a Dai during the time when Prophet (saw) was born. She explains that when Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) came into her hands from the body of his mother, she heard him saying: Ya Rahmak Allah and (from the body of Prophet) a Nur emerged and she saw that it illuminated the Palaces of Rome

►Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 2, Page No. 165

Hadith #17

 عن عثمان بن أبي العاص حدثتني أمي أنها شهدت ولادة آمنة بنت وهب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليلة ولدته قالت فما شيء أنظره في البيت إلا نور وإني أنظر إلى النجوم تدنو حتى إني لأقول ليقعن علي

Translation: Hafidh Abu Bakr al Baihaqi (RA) narrated from mother of Uthman bin Abi al Aas(ra) that she witnessed the Haml of Hadrat Amina bint Wahb (ra) with her own eyes and on the night of birth she saw that there was nothing but Nur spread everywhere in the house and the stars had come so close to earth that it was hard to comprehend
►Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 2, Page No. 164

Hadith #18أن آمنة بنت وهب قالت لقد علقت به تعني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فما وجدت له مشقة حتى وضعته فلما فصل مني خرج معه نور أضاء له ما بين المشرق إلى المغرب  
Translation: Amina bin Wahb (RA) explained that before the birth of Prophet (صلى الله عليهوسلم) when she was experiencing labor pains, she saw that a Nur emerged from her body which illuminated the east and west

►Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 2, Page No. 164

Hadith #19

عن العرباض بن سارية صاحب رسول الله أنه قال  سمعت رسول الله يقول إني عبد الله وخاتم النبيين وإن آدم لمنجدل في طينته وسأخبركم عن ذلك دعوة أبي إبراهيم وبشارة عيسى بي ورؤيا أمي التي رأت وكذلك أمهات النبيين يرين وإن أم رسول الله رأتحين وضعته نوراً أضاءت له قصور الشام
Translation: Hadrat Arbas bin Sariyah (RA) the companion of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) heard  the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) saying: I am Abdullah (Slave of Allah), and last of all prophets, (I was a Prophet) when Adam was mingled in the mud, I inform you that I am the dua of my father Ibrahim (A.S) the tiding of Isa (A.S), and the dream of my mother which mothers of other prophets also used to see, My mother saw that she gave birth to a Nur which illuminated the castles of Syria

►Imam Baihaqi in Dalail an Nabuwwa, Volume No. 1, Page No. 80

Imam Hakim after narrating it said: 
هذا حديث صحيح الإسناد شاهد للحديث الأول

Translation: This Hadith has a Sahih chain and is also a witness over the first hadith (which he mentioned in the chapter)

►Mustadrak ala Sahihayn, Volume 2, Page No. 600, Hadith No. 4175

Hadith #20

حدثنا أبو العباس محمد بن يعقوب حدثنا أحمد بن عبد الجبار حدثنا يونس بن بكير عن بن إسحاق قال حدثني ثور بن يزيد عن خالد بن معدان عن أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنهم قالوا يا رسول الله أخبرنا عن نفسك فقال دعوة أبي إبراهيم وبشرىعيسى ورأت أمي حين حملت بي أنه خرج منها نور أضاءت له بصرى وبصرى من أرض الشام
Translation: The Companions of Prophet (Peace be upon him) asked him: O Messenger of Allah, inform us about yourself, (The Prophet) said: I am the prayer of my father Ibrahim (A.S), the tiding of Isa (A.S), My Mother during her haml saw that a Nur emerged from her which made her see Syria [Mustadrak al Hakim, Volume 2, Page No. 600, Hadith No. 4174]

Imam Hakim (Rahimuhullah) said after this hadith:
قال الحاكم خالد بن معدان من خيار التابعين صحب معاذ بن جبل فمن بعده من الصحابة فإذا أسند حديث إلى الصحابة فإنه صحيح الإسناد ولم يخرجاه
Khalid bin Madan (rah) is amongst the great Tabiyeen, the companion of Muadh bin Jabal (ra)… This hadith has Sahih Isnaad [Ibid]
Hadith #21قد ذكرنا في باب هواتف الجان ما تقدم من خرور كثير من الأصنام ليلتئذ لوجوهها وسقوطها عن أماكنها وما رآه النجاشي ملك الحبشة وظهور النور معه حتى أضاءت له قصور الشام حين ولد وما كان من سقوطه جاثيا رافعا رأسه إلى السماء وانفلاق تلك البرمة عن وجهه الكريم وما شوهد من النور في المنزل الذي ولد فيه ودنو النجوم منهم وغير ذلك  حكى السهيلي عن تفسير بقي بن مخلد الحافظ أن إبليس رن أربع رنات حين لعن وحين أهبطوحين ولد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وحين أنزلت الفاتحة
Translation: The Screaming of (evil) Jinns at the birth of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), The idols falling on their faces by whisking like cats, Najashi experiencing strange events at Habsha. Nur illuminating from the body of (Prophet)'s mother and then it turning towards sky and becoming still, All castles of Syria being illuminated with this Nur, Stars coming near to ground and this Nur illuminating on your blessed face and other such witnessed accounts we have mentioned before

Imam Suhaili (R.A) explained that Iblis cried loudly 4 times, first time when Allah declared him to be La'een and sent Lanah upon him, second time when he was thrown to earth from heaven, third time when Prophet ( صلى الله عليهوسلم) was born and fourth time when Surah Al-Fatiha was revealed.

►Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 2, Page No. 166

Hadith #22

حدثنا علي بن حمشاذ العدل إملاء حدثنا هارون بن العباس الهاشمي حدثنا جندل بن والق حدثنا عمرو بن أوس الأنصاري حدثنا سعيد بن أبي عروبة عن قتادة عن سعيد بن المسيب عن بن عباس رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال أوحى الله إلى عيسى عليه السلام يا عيسى آمن بمحمد وأمر من أدركهمن أمتك أن يؤمنوا به فلولا محمد ما خلقت آدم ولولا محمد ما خلقت الجنة ولا النار ولقد خلقت العرش على الماء فاضطرب فكتبت عليه لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله فسكن هذا حديث صحيح الإسناد ولم يخرجاه
Translation:  Ibn Abbas (R.A) narrates that Allah inspired Isa (A.S) saying O Isa, believe in Muhammad (صلى الله عليهوسلم), and whosoever form your Ummah finds him should believe in him, If I had not created Muhammad (صلى اللهعليه وسلم) then I would not have created Adam, If not for him I would not have created the paradise and hell, When I made the throne on Water, it started to shake, I wrote La Ilaha Il Allah Muhammad ur Rasul Ullah, due to which it became still


►Imam Hakim in Mustadrak ala Sahihayn, Volume No. 2, Page No. 609, Hadith No. 4227 
Imam Hakim after narrating it said:  
هذا حديث صحيح الإسناد
This Hadith has Sahih chain.
                                                 Aqwaal(saying) of Imam's and Ulama
1) Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (Rahimuhullah)
Note: Some people claim that Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (rah) rejected the Prophet (Peace be  upon him) to be Nur, therefore I consider it important to prove from Imam Suyuti (rah) at first.

Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (Rahimuhullah) said: Ibn Sabih (R.A) said that the shadow of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not fall on ground , because the "PROPHET WAS NUR"

►Al Khasais ul Kubra of Imam Suyuti, Volume No. 1, Page No. 169

2) Imam Fakhr ud din Razi (Rahimuhullah)
أن الملائكة أمروا بالسجود  لآدم لأجل أن نور محمد عليه السلام في جبهة آدم. 
Translation: The Angels were ordered to prostate to Adam because there was Nur of Muhammad(صلى الله عليه وسلم)in forehead of Adam

►Imam Fakhr ud din Razi in Tafsir ul Kabir, Volume No. 2, Page No. 302
3) Allama Alusi (Rahimuhullah)
 وكونه صلى الله عليه وسلم رحمة للجميع باعتبار أنه عليه الصلاة والسلام واسطة الفيض الإلهي على الممكنات على حسب القوابل، ولذا كان نوره صلى الله عليه وسلم أول المخلوقات، ففي الخبر " أول ما خلق الله تعالى نور نبيك يا جابر " وجاء " الله تعالى المعطي وأنا القاسم " وللصوفية قدستأسرارهم في هذا الفصل كلام فوق ذلك،

Translation: "The Prophet's being a mercy to all is linked to the fact that he is the intermediary of the divine outpouring over all contingencies [i.e. all created things without exception], from the very beginnings(wasitat al-fayd al-ilahi `ala al-mumkinat `ala hasab al-qawabil), and that is why his light was the first of all things created, as stated in the report that "The first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet, O Jabir," and also cited is: "Allah is the Giver and I am the Distributor." The Sufis have more to say on that chapter." [Tafsir Ruh al Ma’ani Volume 17 Page 105]

4) Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahimuhullah)

Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahimuhullah) said: You are the Nur from which even the moon of 14th night receives light, and from your Nur is the sun shinning

►Qasida al Nauman, Page No. 23
5) Mullah Ali Qari (Rahimuhullah)

Mullah Ali Qari (Rehmat'Ullah Alaih) said:The heart of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), his body is completely Nur

►Sharah ash-Shifa, Hashiya Naseem ur Riyaaz

6) Mujaddad Alf Thaani (Rahimuhullah)

Mujaddad Alf Thaani (Rehmat'Ullah Alaih) said: It should be known that creation of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is not similar to other mankind, rather nothing in the created world resembles the way he were created, because Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is created from (created) Nur of Allah, just as Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) mentioned himself.

►Maktubat Mujaddad Alf Thani

7) Sheikh Muhadith Haq Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah)

Sheikh Muhadith Haq Dhelvi (Rehmat'Ullah Alaih) said: The source of creation, universe, creation of Adam is Nur of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم), hence It has come in Sahih hadith that the first thing which Allah created was My Nur

►Madarij al Nabuwah, Volume No.2, Page No. 2
8) Sheikh ul Akbar, Muhayuddin Ibn Arabi (Rahimuhullah) proves that: 
Nur of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was the first of creation [Fatukhat al Makiyyah Volume No. 1,                     Page No. 119]
9) Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (Rahimuhullah) said in his book Sirr-al-Asrar:سر الأسرار إلى عبد القادر الجيلاني ، معي الآن مقطع منه فيما يتعلق بهذه الفقرة، يقول: ' اعلم وفقك الله لما يحب ويرضى، لقد خلق الله تعالى روح محمد صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أولاً: من نوره وجماله،
Allah created the Ruh of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from his Nur of beauty [Al-Sirr al Israr]

10) Shah Abdur Rahim Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) the father of great Shah Wali Ullah Muhadith Dhelvi (rah) said:

Every creation from Arsh to land, the angels, the Jinns are created from the Haqiqat al Muhammadiyah and Prophet has himself said: The first thing which Allah created was my Nur [Infaas ar Rahmiyah, Page No. 13]

11) Shah Wali Ullah Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) has narrated in Fayudh al Haramayn the hadith of Allah first creating the Nur of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and he has not rejected it.

12) Ismail Dhelvi the founder of Wahabi sect in Sub continent said:

The Status of Khatam an Anabiyeen (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is that he is the first of creation, as the the hadith of Allah first creating Nur of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) testifies [Risala Yak Roza]And Finally Sahabi(R.A)
Hassan ibn Thabit (RA) recites this beautiful poetry:  
(ترحل عن قوم فضلت عقولهم         وحل على قوم بنور مجدد)
Translation: He left a people who preferred their minds over him And he dawned on a people with a light made new.
متى يبد في الداج البهيم جبينه         يلح مثل مصباح الدجى المتوقد

Translation: Whenever his forehead emerged in pitch-black darkness, It would shine like the blazing luminary of dark night.

►Imam Bayhaqi narrated the two verses in Dala’il al-Nubuwwa (1:280, 302)

The latter verse is also narrated Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr in al-Isti ‘ab (1:341) and al-Zarqani in Sharh al-Mawahib (1:91).

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(1) A Brief Biography of Sayyiduna Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (1) A Brief History of Islam (1) A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam (1) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A MUSLIM WOMAN (1) A Discussion of Obedience and Authority in Islam (1) A Guide for Confession (1) A HISTORY OF THE HAJJ (1) A Look into The Tomb of Waris Shah (1) A Muslim View on Respecting Life (1) A Reminder For All The Worlds – Quran (1) A Short Summary of Ghazwa (Battle of) Badr (1) A Woman's Guide To Hajj (1) A Woman’s Journey In Ramadan (1) Aameen (1) Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) ABDULLAH IBN ABBAS (1) Ablution (4) ACTIONS AND INTENTIONS (1) Actions that put a person beyond the pale of Islam (2) Ada e Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Adam the First Prophet and first Man (1) Admonitory events of Miraaj Night (1) Advice for New Muslims (1) Afford and Effort in Hajj and Umrah: The Issue of Muslims’ Faith (1) Ahad Nama (1) AHADITH ON TAQDEER (1) Ahle Sunnat (1) Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (1) Ahram (1) Al Khairat (1) Al-Adl Al-Lateef (1) al-aleem (1) Al-Alim (1) al-aziz (1) Al-Baasit (1) al-bari (1) Al-Baseer (1) al-basit (1) Al-Fattah (2) Al-Ghafoor (1) Al-Haleem Al-Azeem (1) al-jabbar (1) Al-Khaafid (1) Al-Khabeer (1) al-khaliq (1) al-malik (1) al-momin (1) Al-Mu’izz (1) Al-Mundhiri on love for the sake of Allah (1) Al-Muzil (2) Al-Qaabid (1) al-qabiz (1) al-qudus (1) al-raheem (1) al-razzaq (1) al-rehman (1) al-salam (1) al-samee (1) al-wahab (1) Al-Wahhab (1) Alcohol in Islam and Science: Conflict or Concordance (1) Alhamdulillah- O Allah Thank you (1) AlHaram AlSharief (1) All Is Not Lost – Make Ramadan Beneficial If You Can’t Fast (1) ALLAH EXISTS WITHOUT A BEGINNING NOR AN END (1) Allah God Is The Most Beneficent And Mericiful (1) Allah in the Jewish Bible (1) Allah is God of Jesus (1) ALLAH LOVES GENTLENESS IN ALL THINGS (1) Allah multiplies the reward for good deeds (1) AM I CONSIDERED A MUSLIM? (1) AMR IBN AL-JAMUH (1) An Insight on Virtues/Benefits of Surah Al-FalaQ and An-NaaS (1) An Islamic Point of View (1) An-Nawawi on forgiveness and pardon (1) AN-NAWAWI ON PRACTICING THE SUNNAH (1) and forbearance in Islam (1) and Peace in One Word: Allah (1) And Rewards of Adhan (1) Angel of mountains (1) angels (1) Anger Management in the Light of Quran and Sunnah (1) AQIQAH – CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF YOUR CHILD (1) Ar-Rafi (1) Ar-Razzaq (1) Arabic Dua after Namaz: (1) Are Muslims only kind to believers? (1) ARE SUICIDE BOMBINGS LAWFUL IN ISLAM? (1) Arguing About Religion is Very Harmful for the Ignorant. (1) Arkan e Islam (1) articles of faith (1) As-salat (3) As-Sami’ (1) ASCETICISM IS THE WAY TO BE LOVED (1) ASMA' BINT ABU BAKR AS-SIDDIQ (1) Attributes and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers (1) Ayatul Kursi (1) Ayatul Kursi Benefits (1) AYSHAH BINT ABU BAKR (1) Ayyub (S) ( أيّوب) (1) Azaan (1) BACKBITING AND SLANDER (1) Badnami Se bachne Ka Wazifa (1) Barakah in Rizq (1) Bashair (1) Bashair-al-Khairat (1) basic principle of Islam (2) Basic Principles of Islam (1) Basic Teachings of the Holy Quran (1) Basics of Islam (1) Beautiful Dhikr (1) BEAUTIFUL DUAS OF RASULULLAH (PBUH) (1) beauty of islam (1) Beauty of Nature: A Blessing of Allah (1) Belief (1) Belief in Angels (1) BELIEF IN MESSENGERS (1) BELIEF IN THE ANGELS (1) Benefits of 40 Rabbana (1) Benefits of Ayat-e-Shifa (1) Benefits of Ayatul Kursi (2) benefits of dua akasha (1) Benefits of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Benefits of Dua Mughni (1) benefits of dua musbaat aashar (1) Benefits of Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Benefits of Dua Qufal Six (2) Benefits of Dua Suryani (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Akasha (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Aman (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Benefits of Dua-e-Noor (1) Benefits of Durood Akseer e Azam (1) Benefits of Durood Lakhi (2) Benefits of Durood Muqaddas (2) Benefits of Durood Taj (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Akbar (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Kabristan (1) Benefits of Durood-e-Taaj (1) Benefits of Hizbul Bahr (1) Benefits of Manzil Dua (1) Benefits of Nad-e-Ali (1) Benefits of Quran (1) Benefits of Qurani Surah (1) Benefits of Qurani Verses (1) Benefits of Ramadhan (1) Benefits Of Reciting Surah Kahf (1) Benefits of Salat-ut-Tasbih (1) Benefits of Surah Ar-Rahman (1) Benefits of Surah Fath (1) benefits of surah waqiah (1) Benefits of Surah Ya-Seen (1) Benefits of Surah Yasin (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Falaq (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Fatiha (1) Benefits of Surat Al-Kafirun (1) Benefits of Surat An-Nas (1) Benefits of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Best Dua for Hajat (1) Best Dua For Travelling – To Have Safe Journey (1) Best Duas from Quran (1) Best Duas From The Quran (1) Best Islamic Duas (1) BEST TIMES TO MAKE DUA'A (1) BEWARE OF HATRED AND MALICE IN ISLAM (1) Beware of the satanic idol of desire (1) BID'AH - INNOVATION IN ISLAM (2) Biography of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (1) Biography of Hazrat Zainab Bint Ali رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُمَا (1) Biography of Prophet Muhammad (1) BIRTHDAY: CELEBRATE OR NOT TO CELEBRATE (1) black magic cure (1) black magic treatment (2) Black Stone An Idol? Hajj a Pagan Right? (1) Blasphemy (1) Blessed face of Beloved Mustafa ﷺ (1) Blessed Sahabiyyaat and the sacred relics of the Holy Rasool ﷺ (1) Blessings of Esal e Sawab (1) Blessings of Ramadhan (1) Blessings of the 15th of Shaban (1) BODY-SOUL CONFLICT (1) Brief biography of khwaja ghreeb nawaz (1) Brief Biography of Hazrat Khadija (SA) (1) Budh ke din ke nafal (1) Burial: What to do (1) Burjoon Ke Taluqaat (1) Can I Be A Secular Muslim? (1) Can plague enter Mecca and Medina? (1) Causes of Inheritance (1) CHANGE OF QIBLAH (1) Charitable Giving and its Benefits (1) CHEATING AND DECEPTION (1) Children's Education in Islam (1) Cleanliness (1) Concept of God in Islam (2) CONCEPT OF TAWBAH IN ISLAM (REPENTANCE) (1) Conditions for the Validity of Prayer (1) Cordoba Mosque (1) Coronavirus: What The Prophet Might Have Done? (1) COURAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) (1) Crowdfunding from the Prophetic Seerah (1) cure of black magic (1) cure of magic (1) Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Curing Stress With The Help Of Holy Quran (1) Cursing is Prohibited in Islam (1) Daily Duas (2) Daily Morning Azkar (1) Dalail al-Khayrat (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Eight (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Five (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Four (1) Dalail al-Khayrat Manzil One (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Seven (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Six (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Three (1) Dalail Al-Khayrat Manzil Two (1) Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat (1) Darood Mustaghas (1) DAROOD SHAREEF (1) Darood Tanjeena Benefits (1) DAUGHTERS - A WAY TO PARADISE (1) DAUGHTERS OF Allah’s Rasool MUHAMMAD (pbuh) (1) Day Of Demise (1) Dealing with difficulties: flee to Allah! (1) Death (2) Death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (1) DEFINITION OF SULUK (1) DHIKR AND TASBIH FROM THE SUNNAH (1) Dhikr at-Tasbih (1) dhikr of allah (1) Did Prophet Muhammad assassinate his critics? (1) Did You Know This About Quran?! (1) Disbelief (1) Discription of heaven in islam (1) Diseases of the Soul and their Treatment (1) Dissolution of Marriage in the Shari'a (1) DO NOT LOSE HOPE OF THE MERCY OF ALLAH! (1) DO YOU EAT THE SUNNAH WAY? (1) Does Allah exist in a place? A man in the sky? (1) DOES ISLAM GIVE A FATHER THE RIGHT TO FORCE HIS DAUGHTER TO MARRY? (2) Dome of the Rock (1) DON'T MISS RAMADAN'S FIRST NIGHT (1) DRESS CODE OF MUSLIM WOMEN (1) DU’AS MADE BY HAJI FOR OTHERS (1) dua (1) Dua -e-Isteaza (1) Dua -e-Istejab (1) Dua -e-Istekhara (1) Dua -e-Shukeranhar (1) dua akasha (1) Dua Akasha Benefits (1) Dua Collection (1) Dua e Hajat Benefits (1) Dua for Entering Paradise (1) Dua for Graveyard (1) Dua for Hajat (1) Dua for Laylatul Qadr That Every Muslim Should Recite (1) Dua for Namaz Qaza Umri (1) dua for protection (2) Dua for Ramazan (1) dua for rizq in urdu (1) dua for rizq money (1) dua for rozi (1) Dua for seeing Rasool Allah in Dream (1) dua for success (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Benefits (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazaif (1) Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh Wazifa (1) Dua Haikal Seven (1) Dua Masura Urdu (1) Dua Mughni (1) Dua Mughni Benefits (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazaif (1) Dua Mughni Benefits Wazifa (1) dua musbbar aashar (1) Dua of Hazart Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Benefits (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazaif (1) Dua Qadah Muazzam Wazifa (1) Dua Qufal Six (2) Dua Qufal Six Benefits (2) dua rizq barkat (1) Dua Saifi (1) Dua Saifi Benefits (1) Dua Selection (1) Dua Shuker-e-Allah (1) Dua Sunat-e-Asar (1) Dua Supplications (2) Dua Suryani (1) Dua Suryani Benefits (2) Dua Suryani Wazaif (1) Dua Suryani Wazifa (1) Dua Syed-ul-istighfar (1) Dua-e-Akasha (1) Dua-e-Akasha Benefits (1) Dua-e-Akasha Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Aman (2) Dua-e-Aman Benefits (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Aman Wazifa (1) Dua-e-Hajat (2) Dua-e-Hajat Benefits (1) Dua-e-Istikhara - Istikhara Ki Dua (1) Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Benefits (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazaif (1) Dua-e-Jamilah Wazifa (1) Dua-e-kanoot (1) Dua-e-Masura (1) Dua-e-Mustajaab (1) Dua-e-Noor (1) Dua-e-Noor Benefits (1) Dua-e-Noor in English (1) Dua-e-Suryani (1) Duain (2) Duas and works for protection (1) Duas from Quran (1) Duas From The Quran (1) Duas Manzil (1) Durood Akseer e Azam (2) Durood Akseer e Azam Benefits (1) Durood Ali (1) Durood Barkat (1) Durood e Tunajjina Benefits (1) Durood Friday (1) Durood Kibrit Ahmar (1) Durood Lakhi (2) Durood Lakhi Benefits (2) Durood Muqaddas (2) Durood Muqaddas Benefits (2) Durood Rehmat (1) Durood Selection (1) Durood Shareef (1) Durood shfiaat (1) Durood Taj (1) durood tanjeena (1) Durood-e-Akbar (1) Durood-e-Akbar Benefits (1) Durood-e-Ali (1) Durood-e-Dawaami (1) Durood-e-Fath (1) Durood-e-ibrahimi (1) Durood-e-Nahariya (1) Durood-e-Quraani (1) durood-e-taaj (2) Durood-e-Tanjeena (1) Easy Good Deeds (1) EATING OF PORK FORBIDDEN IN ISLAM? (1) Effective Anger Management In Islam (1) Effective Way of Communication According to Sunnah (1) Eid Milad un-Nabi in Pakistan (1) EID-ul-Adha (1) Elderly Care (1) ELEVEN SIGNS OF LOVE FOR THE BELOVED PROPHET (1) Eman Mufassil (1) Eman Mujamal (1) Embracing ISLAM (1) Entering Mecca’s Grand Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram) (1) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN ISLAM (1) ENVY IS A DANGEROUS HEART DISEASE (1) Equal protection of law for Muslims and non-Muslims (1) Equality and equity in Islam (1) even enemies (1) Evening Azkar (1) Everyday Duas (1) Everything Allah decrees is good for the believer (1) Everything You Need to Know about Hajr e Aswad (1) Evil Eye (1) Evil Eye Protection (1) Expect the best from Allah (1) Facing Qibia (1) Facts about Muslim People (1) faith (1) Faith Of The Parents Of The Holy Nabi (1) Fariduddin Ganjshakar (1) Fasting (1) FASTING FOR KIDS (1) Fasting in the Month of Rajab (1) Favourite foods of Beloved Rasool (1) Fazilat ki raatein (1) FEAR ALLAH WHEREVER YOU ARE (1) Feed your Soul! (1) Feeling Eagerness for the Prayer (2) Feeling hopeless and depressed? (1) Festival of The Sacrifice (1) Festivals of Muslims (1) Finding our True Eid (1) FLIGHT JANAZAH (2) FOCUS ON YOUR CHARACTER (2) Follow your conscience in Islam (1) For Sickness (1) FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH (1) Forbiddance Of Racism In Islam (1) FORGIVENESS IN THE QURAN AND SUNNAH (1) FORGIVENESS: A PROPHETIC EXAMPLE (1) Forty Hadith on Knowledge (1) Forty Hadith on Purification of the Heart (1) Freedom (1) friday reading (1) Friends of Allah (1) Friendship Criterion According to The Quran And Islam (1) From Early Beginnings to Modern-Day Sunnism (1) Funeral Rites and Regulations in Islam (1) Gender Equity in Islam (1) GHAUS - A - AZAM SHAYKH ABDUL QADIR JILANI R.A (1) Ghusl (1) GIVE GOOD TIDINGS TO THE PATIENT (1) god and his creation (1) God does not resemble the Creation (1) GOOD DEEDS ERASE BAD DEEDS (1) GOOD HABITS FOR NEW MUSLIMS TO DEVELOP (1) Grand Intercession of the Prophet MuHammad (1) Green Color in Islam Perspective (1) Hadith al-Kisa (1) hadith on rizq in urdu (1) HADITHS ABOUT HAJ (1) Hafta ke nafal (1) Hajj (2) Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam (1) HALA SULTAN: THE HIDDEN JEWEL OF CYPRUS (1) HALAL OR MAKROOH? (1) Happiness (1) HARD WORK AND RESPONSIBILITY IN ISLAM (2) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) (1) Hazrat Abu Hurraria (R.A) – Leading Narrator Of Ahadiths (1) Hazrat Aisha bint Abi Bakr r.a. (1) Hazrat Khadija R.A. (1) Hazrat Madhu Lal Hussain R.A (1) HAZRAT SAYEDNA BILAL HABASHI (1) Hazrat Umar (R.A) Life History (1) He Understands All Languages (1) HE WHO KNOWS HIMSELF KNOWS GOD (1) Heal Black Magic By Quran (1) HEALTH DANGERS OF TATTOOS AND ITS PROHIBITION IN ISLAM (1) Health guidelines from Quran and Sunnah (1) HELP YOUR CHILDREN TO LOVE THE HOLY QUR’AN (1) History (1) HISTORY OF ISLAM (1) History of the compilation of Quran (1) Hizbul Bahr (1) Hizbul Bahr Benefits (1) Holy Hadith about Durood Sharif Prophet (p.b.u.h.) (1) HONESTY MARKED PROPHET'S MANNERS (1) Honored Angels in Islam (1) How do Muslims treat the elderly? (1) How do you disbelieve in Allah!!! (1) How do you know if anything is REAL? (1) How important is water management in Islam? (1) How Islam is A Complete Code of Life? (1) HOW PRAYER BENEFITS A BELIEVER’S SOUL (1) HOW SCORES WILL BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION (1) how to Ablution (1) How to achieve mindfulness in Islam (1) How to be a Mindful Muslim (1) HOW TO BE A VIP ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT (1) how to become a muslim (1) How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim (1) HOW TO CURE LAZINESS? (1) how to do Istikhara (1) HOW TO EAT IN ISLAM (1) HOW TO EXPRESS GRATITUDE? (1) How to invite non-Muslims to Islam? (1) How to Kiss Hajr e Aswad During Hajj (1) HOW TO LOVE OUR HOLY PROPHET ﷺ (1) HOW TO MAKE DUA’ (1) How to Perform Hajj (1) How to perform Salat-l-Istikhara (1) How to Pray in Islam (1) How To Pray Namaz (1) How to Pray Salah (1) How To Repent On Your Sins (1) HOW TO SEEK BENEFIT IN YOUR RECITATION OF QUR’AN (1) How to spend the night (1) How to Stay Safe from Difficulties? (1) HOW TO UNITE THE ISLAMIC UMMAH?? (2) HUDHAYFAH IBN AL-YAMAN (1) Human Rights in Islam (1) Humility (1) Ibn Abbas’s deep insight into the Qur’an. (1) IDEAL PERSONALITY OF MUSLIM (1) IF THEY WOULD ONLY PUT THEIR TRUST IN ALLAH (1) Ikhlas in Islam (1) ILM UL GHAYB- THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNSEEN (1) IMAM AL-BUKHARI AND THE SCIENCE OF HADITH (1) Imam Ali (RA)-Birth Aniversary In The Month Of Rajab (1) IMAM MUHAMMAD SAEED RAMADAN AL-BOUTI (1) IMAN - BELIEF (1) Iman Mufassal (1) Iman Mujmal (1) Impeccable Character of Siddeeq-e-Akbar (1) Impediments of Inheritance (1) Importance and Benefits of Reciting Ayatul Kursi (1) Importance And Major Events Of Dhu al-Qidah Islamic Month (1) Importance And Major Events Of Shawwal Islamic Month (1) Importance of Da`wah (Preaching) In Islam (1) Importance of Khushu in our prayer (1) Importance of Muslim Brotherhood in Quran and Sunnah (1) Importance of Saying Salaam (1) IMPORTANCE OF SEEKING KNOWLEDGE (2) Importance of Tafsir (1) Importance of Time in The Light of Surah Al Asr (1) Importance of Wudu (2) Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves (1) imranraja (1) increase rizk (1) INCREASE YOUR FAITH (IMAAN) AND EARN REWARDS (1) Intention The call to start Namaz (1) Introduction to Islam (1) Introduction to Islam in Spanish (1) Introduction to Methodology for Study of the Quran (1) Introduction To The Numeric Miracles (1) Iqamat (1) Is Life Insurance Haram or Halal In Islam? (1) Is Prophet Muhammad better than other Prophets? (1) IS SMOKING HARAM (1) IS TAWASSUL SHIRK? (1) Is there offensive jihad in Islam? (1) Isha Prayer and Its Benefits (1) Islam (2) Islam - Elevation of Women's Status (1) Islam And Different Types Of Health (1) Islam and Honor Killings (1) Islam and muslim (1) Islam and Muslims (2) islam and other religions (1) Islam and Prayer (2) ISLAM AND TOLERANCE (1) Islam at a Glance (1) Islam Facts (1) ISLAM IN AUSTRALIA (1) Islam in Moderation? – The Moderate Muslim Debate (1) Islam in the Middle of Christianity (1) Islam in the United States (1) Islam is a Religion of Peace (1) Islam is mercy for the entire creation (1) islam is your birthright (1) Islam Religion Encourages Learning (1) Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World (1) Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare (1) Islam’s Outcasts (1) Islam's Position on Polygamy (1) Islam's Ruling on Marriage (1) Islamic Architecture (1) Islamic Dua (1) islamic duain (1) Islamic Duas (1) Islamic Identity (1) Islamic Legal Rules of Fasting (1) Islamic Life | Islamic Way of Life (1) Islamic Months Names List (1) Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide (1) ISLAMIC TEACHINGS & MODERN MEDICINE (1) Isma Illahi for Specific Purpose (1) Isra And Me’raj (1) Isra and Miraj: The Miraculous Night Journey (1) Istikhara (1) Istikhara benefits (1) Istikhara in islam (1) Istikhara in quran (1) Itikaf in Ramadan (1) Its Meaning and Importance (1) Itwar ke din ke nafal (1) Janaza Prayer (1) JEALOUSY – A SIN (1) JEALOUSY DESTROYS HAPPINESS OF LIFE (1) Jerusalem (1) Jesus in Islam (1) Jihad against the soul in Islam (1) Jihad and its Types (1) Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice (1) Journey of Mi'raaj (1) Jumah ke nafal (1) Jumyrat ke din ke nafal (1) Justice and fairness for all in Islam (1) Justice and Merits of Islam in the Distribution of Inheritance (1) JUSTICE OF CALIPH UMAR IBN AL KHATTAB (1) KaIima-e-Tayyabah (1) Kalima (1) kalima-e-astaghfar (1) Kalima-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalima-e-tamjeed (1) Kalima-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Astaghfar (1) Kalimah-e-Rud-e-Kuffr (1) Kalimah-e-Shahaadat (1) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed (1) Kalimah-e-Tauhid (1) Kalimah-e-Tayyabah (1) Karz Utarne ka Wazifa (1) Karz Utarne ke Dua (1) KEEPING PEOPLE’S FAULTS A SECRET (1) Key to Paradise in Islam (1) KHADIJAH BINT KHUWAYLID (1) Khalifa in Islam (1) Khalifa meaning (1) Khawja ghulam farid (1) Kinds of Water In Holy Quran (1) King of Wazaif (1) knows his Lord (1) KSA (2) La Condición de la Mujer en el Islam (1) La Mujer en el Islam (1) Laylat ul Qadr (1) Laylatul Baraah (1) Learn How to Make Wudu Step by Step for Kids Adults (1) learn Islam (1) Let’s Speak About Moses In Quran For Some! (1) LETS KNOW HIM (1) Life (1) LIFE AND THE LAST DAY (1) Life History of Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) (1) Life of Fatimah al-Zahra (a.s) (1) Life of Imam Hassan (a.s) (1) Life Of Prophet Muhammad (1) LIST OF 75 GOOD MANNERS IN THE QURAN (1) List of Ziyarat Places in Makah during Hajj and Umrah (1) LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE OF CONSCIENCE (1) LITERARY ASPECTS OF THE QUR’AN (1) LOUD ZIKR (1) Love (2) Madina history (1) Madina munawara city. (1) Magic Cure with Manzil Dua (1) Magic in Islam (1) magic treatment (1) Major Personality Traits Of The Believers In Islam (1) Major Sins (1) Makkah (1) Makkah-The Holy City In Islam (1) Makrooh times (1) Manzil (1) Manzil Dua (1) Manzil Dua Benefits (1) Manzil Dua for cure (1) Manzil Dua in Islam (1) Manzil Dua in Quran (1) MARRIAGE IN ISLAM. (1) Marriage Istikhara (1) marriage wazaif (1) Marriage: Goals (1) masnoon adhkar (1) masnoon duain (2) MASNOON DUAIN FROM QURAN AND HADITH (1) Masnoon Duain with English and Urdu Translation (1) Masnoon Qurani Wazaif (1) Masnoon Wazaif o Azkar (1) Mawlid (1) Mawlid Celebrations (1) MEANING OF JUSTICE IN ISLAM (1) Meaning Of SubhanAllah (1) MEDICAL BENEFITS OF PROSTRATION (1) Medina Charter of Prophet Muhammad and Pluralism (1) MEN WEARING GOLD AND SILK IN ISLAM (1) Mercy For The Whole World (1) MERIT OF SHARING FOOD (1) message of islam (1) Method And Regulations Of Sajdah (Prostration) Tilawat (1) method of Istikhara (1) Mindfulness in the Quran and Sunnah (1) Misconceptions Related To Muslims (1) MISWAK - NATURAL TOOTHBRUSH (1) modesty (1) monday reading (1) Morning Azkar (1) MOSQUE ETIQUETTE (1) Most Common Mistakes to Avoid In Offering Salah (1) Mount Paran (1) MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IN THE PARSI SCRIPTURES (1) Muhammad is the prophet and founder of Islam. (1) Muhammad SAW’s Love For Children (1) MUHAMMAD ﷺ- THE UNIVERSAL MESSENGER (1) muhammad-the-incomparable-and-matchless-nabi (1) Muhammad: The Messenger of God (1) Muharram (1) Mungal ke din ke nafal (1) Muslim Brotherhood in Quran (1) Muslim Husband (1) Muslim women’s right to divorce (1) Muslims and Sadaqah (1) Must a Muslim woman cover her face? (1) My First Umrah: A Story Of My Blessed Trip (1) Nad-e-Ali (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazifa (1) Nad-e-Ali Benefits (1) Nad-e-Ali Wazaif (1) namaz (2) Namaz asr (1) Namaz Awabeen (1) Namaz Chasht (1) Namaz fajr (1) Namaz Hajat (1) Namaz isha (1) Namaz Ishraq (1) Namaz Istikhara (1) Namaz maghrib (1) Namaz Tahajjud (1) Namaz Taraweeh (1) Namaz Tasbeeh (1) Namaz zohr (1) Namazon ke Qaza (1) name of Allah (1) Names & Attributes of God (1) Nazar e Bad (1) Nazar e Bad ka ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka islami ilaj (1) Nazar e Bad ka khatma (1) Nazar e Bad ka Tor (1) Nazar e Bad ke Dua (1) Nazar e Bad se bachwo (1) Neighbor in Islam (1) NEVER LOSE HOPE OF ALLAH'S MERCY (1) Never Shed Your Leaves (1) New Muslim woman married to non-Muslim man? (1) Night of Salvation (1) night of Shabe Barat (1) Night Prayer (1) Night Prayers in Ramadan/Fasting (1) No theology of rape in Islam (1) Noori Wazaif (1) not Value (1) Number 7 in the Holy Quran (1) O Allah (1) Obedience to parents and its limits (1) ON THE TYPES OF ZIKR (REMEMBRANCE OF GOD) (1) One Wazifa for All Problems- Dafa e Pareshani (1) Our Humanness: Unalterable Essence and Changeable Actuality (1) Overcoming depression and anxiety with Islam (1) Overcoming your enemies and becoming close to Allah (1) paani peene ke adaab ;islaam (1) Palestine (1) Paradise (Jannat) (1) Paradise and Hellfire in Islam (2) Paradise In Islam: Not Just A Dream! (1) PARADISE IS FOR BELIEVING MEN AND WOMEN (1) Pareshani Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Past and Future (1) PATIENCE IN THE QURAN (1) Patience with trials and tribulations in Islam (1) Peaceful Nights (1) Perform Hajj (1) Piety is the Highest Standard of Excellence (1) pillars of islam (2) Poweful Dua Mughni (1) power of dua (1) Power of Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Power of Dua-e-Hajat (1) Power of Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Power of Dua-e-Noor (1) Power of Istighfar and its Benefits from Quran (2) powerful dua (1) Powerful Dua E Isme Illahi (1) Powerful Dua Ganj-ul-Arsh (1) Powerful Dua-e-Akasha (1) Powerful Dua-e-Aman (1) Powerful Dua-e-Hajat (1) Powerful Dua-e-Jamilah (1) Powerful Dua-e-Noor (1) powerfull dua (1) Prayer (1) PRAYERS OF REPENTANCE (1) Predestination of Good and Evil. Destiny Qadar (1) Preservation (1) Prevention of Boasting (1) Promises of Allah in Quran (2) Prophet (pbuh) in building an ideal society (1) Prophet Ibrahim (asws): The Friend of Allah (swt) (1) Prophet MuHammad Praised in Al Qur’ân (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S LOVE OF THE POOR (1) Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S SMILE (1) PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S TREATMENT TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) PROPHET SALIH (PBUH) AND HIS CAMEL (1) PROPHET’S CONSULTATION WITH HIS COMPANIONS (1) Prophets and Messengers of God (1) Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail and the Ka'bah (1) Protect his Faith: Avoid Apostasy (1) Protect Us from Ourselves (1) Protection (1) Purification from the spiritual disease of hatred in Islam (1) Purification of Mind and Soul in Islam (1) PURIFICATION OF THE SOUL (1) Purpose & Importance of Wudu (2) Purpose and Definition The Definition of Marriage (Nikah) (1) purpose for creation (1) Purpose of Life According to Islam; Quranic Verses (1) Pyare Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam ki Pyari SUNNATEIN (1) Qarz ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ka Wazifa (1) Qarz ki Adaigi ke Dua (1) Qaza umri ada karne ka tareka (1) Questions Allah will Ask (1) Quotes And Life of Zainab Bint Ali (RA) (1) QUR’AN (1) Qur’an and Our Youth: How to bring the Qur’an close to their Hearts (1) quran (1) Quran As the Ultimate Source of History (1) Quran Tilawat (1) qurani dua (1) qurani duain (2) Qurani Duain in Urdu (1) Qurani Masnoon Duain (1) qurani surah benefits (1) qurani wazaif (1) Qurani Wazaif Collection (1) qurani wazaif for all problems (1) Qurani Wazaif in Urdu (1) Quranic Duas (1) Quranic Masnoon Duain (1) Quranic Prayers (2) Quranists (1) Qurbani (1) Qurbani in Islam (1) rabbana (1) rabbana in qurani (1) Raising Children in Islam (1) RAISING YOUR CHILD TO BE A MUSLIM (1) ramadan (2) Ramadan 'Eed Al-Fitr (1) Ramadan & Completing the Quran (1) Ramadan; The Chief of all the Months (1) Ramadhan (1) Ramadhan Khulasa-e-Quran (1) Ramadhan Special Wazaif for Hajat (1) Ramazan (1) Ramazan Ki Dua (1) Ramazan Wazaif (1) Ramzan (1) Read All Ahadith (1) Read quran (1) reading of a week (1) Reasons Why We Should Read the Holy Quran (1) Reflecting on the Sunnah derived from the Sirah (1) Refutation of Allegations Raised about the Distribution of Inheritance in Islam (1) regard to issues of shirk and kufr (1) RELATIONS BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND NON-MUSLIMS (1) REMEMBER ME AND I SHALL REMEMBER YOU (1) REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH (1) Rewards of Reciting the Qur'anic Surahs (1) Rights of animals in Islam (1) Rights of Daughters in Islam (1) Rights of Neighbors In Islam (2) Rohani Ilaaj (1) Rohani Wazaif (1) Rope of Allah – Islamic Poem (1) Rules of Tahajjud Prayer (1) Ruling on cutting nails during the monthly cycle (2) Ruling on one who apostatises repeatedly (2) Ruqyah (1) Salaat al-Tawbah (the Prayer of Repentance) (1) SALADIN: A BENEVOLENT MAN (1) SALAHUDDIN AYUBI AND THE BATTLE OF HITTIN (1) Salat (2) Salat Al-Jama'ah (1) Salat in Islam (1) Salat-ut-Tasbih (1) Salat: the Mi’raj of the believer (1) Salatul Hajat (1) Salatul Hajat Namaj ka Tariqa aur Hajat Dua (1) SATAN'S GATEWAYS TO THE HEART (1) saturaday reading (1) Sawm (1) SAYINGS OF THE MESSANGER OF ALLAH (PBUH) (1) Sayyiduna Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib (1) Science Proves Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah Prevents Brain Damage in New Borns (1) Seeking knowledge and learning for life in Islam (1) Segregation of Women in Islam: Separate Venue (1) selected dua (1) Severing the Ties of Kinship (1) Shab Barat (1) Shab e Meraj (1) Shab-e-barat (1) Shaban in Islam (1) Shabe Barat (1) shadi ka wazifa (1) shadi wazaif (1) Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) Should a Muslim man marry a second wife? (1) Siege Of Blessed Home Of Blessed Nabi (1) Significance (1) Significance Of Salah (1) Significance of Taqwa (Piety) According to the Holy Quran (1) Significance of the Islamic Calendar Months (1) Significance of the Month of Shaban (1) Sincerity and deeds (1) Sins Got You Down And You Don't Know How To Stop?? (1) Sirat Al-Mustaqim In Islam (1) Six Easy Ways to Maximize the Barakah in Ramadan (1) SIX TIPS TO RECHARGE YOUR IMAN (1) SLAVES IN ISLAM (1) SMILE! IT'S SUNNAH (1) Smiling is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Some Beautiful Places to Visit in Medina (1) Some Essential Everyday Duas (1) Some Life Changing Lessons from Holy Quran (1) Some Simple Ways to Earn Allah’s Mercy (1) Somwar ke din ke nafal (1) Spain (1) SPEECH ON PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W.S.) AND MESSAGE OF ISLAM (1) SPIRITUAL BENEFITS OF PRAYER (1) Squandering and Miserliness (1) Starve Your Ego (1) Status of Teachers in Islam | Rights of Teachers (1) STOP WASTING TIME IN GOSSIP (1) Story of Hafsa and Maria in Surat al-Tahrim (1) STORY OF PROPHET NUH (PBUH) (1) Story of Prophet Yusuf/Joseph (pbuh) (1) Story of The People of the Cave (1) Story of the Prophet Musa (AS) (1) Study of Quran (1) Sufism (1) Summary of Juz 1 (1) Sunan and Manners Of Travelling (1) Sunan of Anger: What a Muslim should do when angry (1) sunday reading (1) Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) (1) sunni (1) SUPPLICATION AFTER ADHAN (1) SUPPLICATION BEFORE SLEEPING (1) SUPPLICATION IN HAJJ (1) Surah Fath (1) Surah Fatiha (1) surah ikhlas (1) Surah Kalma (1) surah waqiah (1) Surah Ya-sin (1) surah yaseen (1) surah yaseen Benefits (1) Surah Yaseen ka Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Anmol Amal (1) Surah Yaseen ka Wazaif (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa (1) Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Problems (1) surah Yaseen with 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yaseen with Seven Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen (1) Surah Yasin 7 Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Benefits (1) Surah Yasin Mubeen Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin Wazifa (1) Surah Yasin with English Transliteration (1) surat waqiah (1) TABARRUK (RELICS) (1) Tahajjud Prayer (2) Take Advantage of Five before Five (1) Talaq Quran Ki Roshni Mein (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ka Wazifa (1) Tangdasti Door Karne ke Dua (1) tangdasti ka hal (1) Tangdasti ka Wazifa (1) tangdasti ki Dua (1) TAQLEED AND FOLLOWING A MAZHAB (1) Taqwa (1) Tasbih at-I-Fatima (1) Tauheed (Monotheism) (1) Tawaf-e-kaaba (1) The 23 kinds of Water mentioned in the Quran (1) THE ADVANTAGES OF AYATUL KURSI (1) The Anti-Terrorism Stand And Preaching Of Islam (1) The Attributes Of Allâh God (1) The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature (1) The best of you in Islam (1) The Best Time to Study the Qur’an (2) The Big Questions: Who Made Us? (1) THE BODY IS A BLESSING (1) THE BROTHERHOOD BETWEEN BELIEVERS (1) The Call of Ibrahim (1) THE CHILDREN OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) (1) The Components of Wudoo (1) The Concept Of Begging In Islam (1) The Concept of Thankfulness in Islam (1) THE CONDITIONS OF LA ILAHA ILLA-LLAH (1) The covering of the body (1) THE DAY OF ASHURA IN ISLAM (2) The definition of faith in Islam (1) The Description of Prophet MuHammad (1) The Differences Between Woman and Man (1) The Different Types of Voluntary Prayers (1) The Earth – Islamic Poem (1) The Essentials Of Islamic Belief (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF LEARNING THE QURAN (1) THE EXCELLENCE OF THE SUNNAH SOLAH (1) The Favours Of The Noblest Rasool To The World (1) THE FEET IN SALAAT (1) The Finality of Prophethood (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (1) THE FORGIVENESS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) SHOWN TO NON-MUSLIMS (1) The Full and Complete Isra and Miraj Story (1) The Full Story of Hussain (1) The Fundamentals of Islamic Belief (2) The Gifts of Miraaj Night (1) The Grandeur of Friends of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ (1) The Grave (Qabr) (1) The Great Benefits of Surah Al-Fatiha (1) The Great Significance (1) The Guarding of Imaan (1) THE HAJJ RITUALS (1) The History and Development of Islam (1) The History of the Prophet Jesus (`ISA) Muslim (1) the Holiest Month for Muslims (1) The House Of Allah (1) The Importance of Distributing Inheritance (1) The importance of halal investing (1) THE IMPORTANCE OF LOVING AWLIYA (1) The Importance of Prayer (1) THE INSPIRING QUR’AN (1) The Islamic new year: a time for growth and improvement (1) The Islamic State of Medina (1) The Ka’aba (1) THE KINDNESS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Kinds of Manners in Islam and Its Verses (1) The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment (1) The Manners of Children Towards Parents (1) The Manners of Cutting Nails in Islam (1) THE MARRIAGE PROCESS IN ISLAM (1) The marvel of positive thinking in Islam (1) THE MEANING OF " INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI'OON" (1) The meaning of spiritual excellence in Islam (1) The Migration Al-Hijrah of Prophet MuHammad from Mecca to Medina (1) The Miracle of Islamic Science (1) The Miracles of the Prophets (1) THE MIRACULOUS NATURE OF THE QURAN (1) The nafs – ego/self (1) THE NEED FOR CONSULTATION (MUSHĀWARA) (1) The Night Journey! (1) The noble birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) (1) The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab (1) The One Sure Way To Be Happy (1) The Origin of the Quran (1) The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity (1) THE POWER OF DUA (1) The Prayer (1) The Prayer Of Need (1) The Prophet (pbuh) had a rest in the afternoon. (1) The Prophet Mosque Madinah (1) The Prophet Muhammad and the Origins of Islam (1) THE PROPHET SULAIMAN (peace be upon him) (1) THE PUBLIC CALL OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) The Punishment of Being Sinful (1) The Purpose of Creation (1) The Purpose of Life: Reason and Revelation (1) THE PURPOSE OF LIFE… (1) THE PURPOSE OF MAN’S CREATION (1) The Purposes of Believing in Allah for Muslims (1) The Qur'an and Scientific Advancement (1) The Quran and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (1) THE QURAN ON THE CEREBRUM (1) The Quran-A Master Key (1) The Quranic Meaning of Iman (1) The right way to defend Islam (1) The Rise of Islam (1) THE ROOT OF ISLAM (1) The Roots of a Tolerant Sect of Islam (1) The secret to a tranquil heart (1) THE SIN OF ABORTION (1) The Sin of Hurting the Parents (1) THE SPIRIT OF RAMADAN (1) The Spiritual Purity (2) The Status Of Women In Islam (1) The Story of Adam (1) The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) (1) The story of the Prophet Ibrahim (as) (1) The story of Yusuf (alayhi salaam) (1) The Story of Zam Zam water (1) The Struggle to Reclaim Jihad (1) The Truth About People Who Associate Lies With Quran (1) THE UNIVERSAL MESSAGE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ (1) The Virgin Mary: Maryam al-Batul (1) THE VIRTUE OF NURTURING GIRLS (1) THE WATER OF ZAMZAM (1) The Wifes of The Holy Prophet of Allah Muhammad’r Rasoolullah (s.a.w.s.) (1) The Wisdom Behind Prescribing Inheritance (1) THINGS THAT MADE THE PROPHET (PBUH) ANGRY (1) Things To Follow In Islam For A Better Life (1) Thousand Years Old Letter (1) thursday reading (1) Time (1) TIME: A BLESSING AND A TRUST (1) TIPS FOR A MUSLIM HOME (1) Tips on Keeping Productive Friendships And Relationships (1) Tips to Deal with Toxic People from Islamic and Counseling Sources (1) To Get a Job (1) To get Prestige in Society (1) to keep fast (1) TOO BUSY TO PRAY FIVE TIMES? (1) Top Leadership Qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) Towards an Accepted Hajj (1) TREAT YOUR NEIGHBOUR WELL (1) TREATMENT OF ANIMALS IN ISLAM (1) Triple Talaq and Nikah Halala are major sins (1) TRUE BELIEVERS (1) True Meaning of Trust in Allah (1) TRUE PURITY OF THE HEART (1) Try these Quran memorization techniques (1) tuesday reading (1) TURN TO ALLAH (2) TWO WAYS TO SUCCESS (1) Types of Hajj (1) Types of Patience (1) TYPES OF SIYAM (1) Ummul Momineen (1) Umrah (1) Understanding the soul in Islam (1) Unique Revenge (1) Universal Lessons of Hajj (1) Unpleasant Smell of Lie (1) URWAH IBN AZ-ZUBAIR (1) VALENTINE’S DAY…AND ITS POSITION IN ISLAM (1) Verses of Healing (1) verses of quran (1) verses of rabbana (1) Views of Islamic scholars (1) Virtues (1) Virtues of Fasting in the Summer Taken from: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalī’s “Latā’if Maʿārif” (1) Virtues of reading Surah Al-Muzzammil (1) Virtues of the Day of Arafaah (1) Visit to Cemetery in Shab-e-barat (1) VISITING GRAVE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (1) Wal Jamaat (1) Waqf al-Khairi & Waqf al-Dhurri (1) WAR IN ISLAM: ETHICS & RULES (1) War is deceit? Lie to unbelievers? (1) Waris Shah (1) Ways of Treating Magic (1) Ways to Overcome Sadness in Islam (1) Wazaif For Baby (1) wazaif for Enemies (1) Wazaif For Hajat (1) Wazaif for Marriage (1) wazaif for problems (1) Wazaif for Rizq (1) Wazaif in Urdu (1) Wazaif of Week (2) Wazfa To Remove Black Magic (1) Wazifa for Sexual Ability (1) Wazifa for Sugar Patient (1) Wazifa for Tiredness (1) Wazifa for Visa Problems (1) Wazifa to Stop illegal Relationship (1) WE INVITE YOU TO ISLAM (1) Wealth and Black Magic (1) wednesday reading (1) Welcome Aboard Fly Air Janazah (1) WELCOMING RAMADAN (1) WELCOMING THE BLESSED MONTH OF SHA'BAN (1) What Are the Five Pillars of Islam? (1) What does Islam say about "mothers"? (1) What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? (1) What happened at Dhul Khalasah? (1) What is “Four Quls (4 qul)” and its Benefits (1) WHAT IS ANGER? (1) WHAT IS DUA? (1) WHAT IS IFTAR? (1) What is Islam (1) What IS Islam An overview For A Non -Muuslim (1) What is Islamic studies? (1) WHAT IS ISRA AND MERAJ (1) what is Istikhara (1) what is ramadan (1) What Is Taweez (1) What is the historical significance of Ghar e Hira? (1) What is the meaning of ‘eye for an eye’? (1) What Not To Do In Ramadan (1) WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT MUHAMMAD (1) WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ISLAM (1) WHAT TO DO UPON A DEATH (2) WHEN DOES THE HUMAN BEING BECOME HAPPY? (1) When in need ask Allah! (1) When Mecca Build (1) When Our Prayers Are Never Answered (1) Where is the island of Dajjal? (1) WHO IS ALLAH? (1) Who is Muhammad (peace be upon him)? (1) Who is Wali? ولی کِسے کہتے ہیں؟ (1) WHO WERE THE KHARIJIS? (1) Whoever knows himself (1) Whom Must We Worship? (1) WHY A SCIENTIST BELIEVES IN GOD? (1) Why are Christians donating towards The Qur'an Project? (1) Why Did God Create? (1) Why did Prophet Muhammad raid caravans in Medina? (1) WHY DO MUSLIMS FAST? (1) WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE TO GOSSIP? (1) WHY IS THE BISMILLAH MISSING FROM SURAH AT-TAWBAH? (1) why islam (1) Why the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Important to All of Mankind (1) witr (1) Women (1) Women in Islam (2) Words Of Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (1) WORLD OF THE JINN (1) Worship in Islam (1) Worshiping Allah in fear and hope (1) Wudhu (Ablution) (1) wudu (3) Wudu’ and Invalidators of Wudu'. Full Shower Ghusl Purification (1) wuzu (1) ya rabbana (1) Ya Salamo (1) Ya Salamo ka Amal (1) Ya Salamo ka Wazifa (1) Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (1) You Ask And The Quran Answers (1) Zakat (2) Zakat and Charity should be instruments for developing the poor (1) ZIKR OF ALLAH (1) Zikr Of Rasoolullah (1) بیماری اُڑ کر نہیں لگتی (1) حضرت سیّدنا امیر معاویہ (1)